
 Marriage in Quebec | Éducaloi

Marriage. Do people truly know what it means to be married? These days, I don’t think people truly know. I loved reading a talk by James E. Faust, one of the things he said was, “Of all that can bless marriages, there is one special enriching ingredient, which above all else will help join a man and a woman together in a very real, sacred, spiritual sense. It is the presence of the divine in marriage. Shakespeare, speaking in Henry the Fifth, said, “God, the best maker of all marriages, combine your hearts in one.” (Henry V, 5:2.) God is also the best keeper of marriages”. I would encourage you all to read it, it explains a lot about marriage. It’s called “The Enriching of Marriage” from October 1977. Isn't it crazy thinking those words are still relevant today? After all this time, it’s still true. I think people make the mistake of not knowing each other enough. They go into marriage way too fast and sometimes end up being miserable. When getting engaged, you should wait about a year until you actually get married. There are so many things couples don’t think about. Are they financially stable? Are you ready for all the changes? In the same talk I mentioned earlier it says, “In the enriching of marriage the big things are the little things. It is a constant appreciation for each other and a thoughtful demonstration of gratitude. It is the encouraging and the helping of each other to grow. Marriage is a joint quest for the good, the beautiful, and the divine”. A few things to consider thinking about before marriage; kids, finishing school, not truly knowing each other, getting sick of your S/O, and relationships around you change. You don’t have the same level of freedom as you did before. Think about all these things with your partner, sit down, and have a serious conversation with them. People say you should marry your best friend. Think about it, don’t you want to spend time with them all the time? Logically speaking, people who are best friends before marriage have a healthier relationship. Marriage leads to other important things, like bringing people into this world. You have to consider, is that the person I want raising my children? You should always want the absolute best for your family. Be careful, consider all the factors, and just be happy. 


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