Date to marrry

 CNM 016: Relationship Attachment Model (RAM) - with Jim Gascoine -  Codependency No More

Dating, we all know it can be scary. It is essential to date, we all have to do it. My first date was a very awkward experience. I went on a double date to the movies and watched the midnight sun. Let me tell you, a movie is one of the worst first date ideas ever. There’s no getting to know each other at all. People can make dating sound so scary. You have to ask all the basic questions and get to know them. It’s a trial and error run. Dating is important because we do it to find our eternal partner. After a date, all your friends ask how it went. Of course, asking the most important one, will there be a second date? A lot of people don’t treat dating how you should. Van Epp’s Relationship Attachment Model tells us how to. I will include a diagram of what the Ram method looks like. It gives us 5 steps, “Knowing, Trusting, Relying, Committing, then Touching”. It’s also important to go in that specific order. If you change it up at all, it can lead to a disaster. You first have to know someone before going on to the next step. After knowing them, you can start to trust them. Once you trust this person, you start relying on them. That could be knowing they’re the only person you hang out with on Saturdays. Then that turns into committing, letting people know that you aren’t seeing anyone else. You and that person are exclusive. Once you get to that stage, you can touch. If you start a relationship with touching, that’s all the relationship will be. Believe me, I know, it never lasts. Kissing on the first date is very common. Should we do it, probably not? It goes along the lines of touching. Kissing on the first date will make you want to go all the time. It could not be the best. You don’t want to date someone who only thinks about kissing you. It’s very important to date someone with the same values as you. It will make things more comfortable and not get into situations you don’t want to be in. Also, imagine that person being the parent of your kids. Will they teach your kids the things you want? Thinking about all these things will only benefit you. Staying with someone who isn’t the right person for you is painful. Overall, date to marry.


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