
Family is forever

  I am so thankful for everything I have learned in such a short period of time. You never realize how many things you need to learn in the future. Family is forever. This statement makes me want to always do what’s best for my family. Having a healthy relationship with my spouse will be very important to me. It’s also important to have a healthy relationship with your kids. Another important relationship to have is your kid’s relationship with each other. I didn’t have the best experience within this area. It can change your child as a whole. Not having this relationship, I tend to not trust anyone. Thinking about everyone and everything can be good to be true. Remind your child how much you love them on a daily basis. It’s important for them to know they are loved. There’s a youtube family that always says you are worth it to each other and anyone who watches. I think in the future, I will say this to my kids. I want my future kids to be happy mentally and physically. I know I st...


  Parenting. We will all learn it at some point in our lives. I think these days, parents “parent” too much. They don’t give their children enough freedom. I think children need to learn from their own mistakes at least once. If not, they will become very sheltered. Once kids get to high school, they go crazy. This is because of how restricted they were. It is important to let them know the parent is still in charge. All throughout high school, my curfew was 10 pm. It made me really mad. All my other friends got to stay out until 12 at least. Then I came to college and got sick from not getting enough sleep. There’s this parenting account on Tik Tok that I really like. It shows how to have a good and healthy relationship with your child. For example, the daughter asks if a boy can come over. The dad first responds very strictly and says no man will be coming into the house. Right after he proceeds to say that’s the exact opposite of what you should do. He then tells his daughter, o...

Communication is key

  Communication. What is it exactly? When you look up the definition it says, “ the imparting or exchanging of information or news”. It’s a simple idea, yet so hard. How many people have heard people having issues with their relationships? Most of the time if you ask them why it’s due to poor communication. People always wonder why they’re not understood by others. The simple answer to that is communication. Communication is key. I know you’ve heard this saying many times. It’s because it’s so important. One time this guy thought I hated him because other people told him that. It wasn’t until he talked to me about it that he realized how wrong that was. He wouldn’t have had to worry about it if he just communicated with me in the first place. I liked this quote by Tony Robbins, “Communication is power. Those who have mastered its effective use can change their own experience of the world’s experience of them. All behavior and feelings find their original roots in some form of commu...


  Stress. What’s the first thing you think of when you hear that word? I’m gonna bet it’s negative. Everyone I know associates stress with a bad experience. One of my favorite quotes I’ve heard relating to stress is, “It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it”. Contradicting to that, “If you feel like you’re losing everything, remember trees lose their leaves every year, and they stand tall and wait for better days to come”. This is a quote I live by. My whole life I was convinced stress is a bad thing. It wasn’t until a year ago where my mind was changed. I realized stress is normal and essential. It even helps me get through simple tasks. Have you ever looked up the meaning? “ Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a dead...


  Marriage. Do people truly know what it means to be married? These days, I don’t think people truly know. I loved reading a talk by James E. Faust, one of the things he said was, “Of all that can bless marriages, there is one special enriching ingredient, which above all else will help join a man and a woman together in a very real, sacred, spiritual sense. It is the presence of the divine in marriage. Shakespeare, speaking in Henry the Fifth, said, “God, the best maker of all marriages, combine your hearts in one.” ( Henry V, 5:2.) God is also the best keeper of marriages”. I would encourage you all to read it, it explains a lot about marriage. It’s called “The Enriching of Marriage” from October 1977. Isn't it crazy thinking those words are still relevant today? After all this time, it’s still true. I think people make the mistake of not knowing each other enough. They go into marriage way too fast and sometimes end up being miserable. When getting engaged, you should wait abo...

Date to marrry

  Dating, we all know it can be scary. It is essential to date, we all have to do it. My first date was a very awkward experience. I went on a double date to the movies and watched the midnight sun. Let me tell you, a movie is one of the worst first date ideas ever. There’s no getting to know each other at all. People can make dating sound so scary. You have to ask all the basic questions and get to know them. It’s a trial and error run. Dating is important because we do it to find our eternal partner. After a date, all your friends ask how it went. Of course, asking the most important one, will there be a second date? A lot of people don’t treat dating how you should. Van Epp’s Relationship Attachment Model tells us how to. I will include a diagram of what the Ram method looks like. It gives us 5 steps, “ Knowing, Trusting, Relying, Committing, then Touching”. It’s also important to go in that specific order. If you change it up at all, it can lead to a disaster. You first have to...

Boy and Girls

  As a kid, if you did something of the opposite gender, you were looked at as weird. For example, if a boy was caught playing with barbies, people would automatically think he is gay. These days, we need to not assume anything. If you think about it, a little boy is playing with a barbie maybe because he saw someone else do it. No one ever considers a child’s use of a copycat. I think anyone should be able to do what they want with nothing being said. If you think about it, most toys are gender affiliated. There was an article I read, “ Children as young as 9 months-old prefer to play with toys specific to their own gender, the study found, suggesting that boys and girls follow different developmental trajectories with respect to selection of gender-typed toys”. This shows how children like to play with toys affiliated with their gender. What’s different between boys and girls? What mannerisms make them different. Have you ever talked to a boy and they said they don’t cry. They gr...